All I'm saying is that it is difficult to imagine.
Okay, some of my off-hand comments about marriage have been misunderstood by several friends so I feel like I need to issue a clarification.
Point 1: They Do. I Don't.
The title of this blog entry was supposed to be a clever reference to my Dad's gaffe during the rehearsal dinner. Christine and David got married that weekend. I did not get married that weekend. A mere statement of fact. They did get married. I didn't get married. But I chose not to write it like that because I wanted to retain the parallelism of the well known phrase in the wedding ceremony - I do.
Point 2: Oooh. Scary.
Yes, I think marriage is scary. However, that is not the same thing as saying "I never want to get married."
The enormity of the commitment and the seriousness of this commitment suddenly became apparent that weekend in Nashville. OR, more accurately, I understood that I could not fathom the enormity and seriouness of the commitment that marriage entails. And considering where I am in life right now (the details I won't bore you with), the idea of entering into a marriage is very difficult concept to wrap my mind around.
But marriage isn't the only concept that I can't wrap my mind around - it keeps distinguished company with concepts like enlightenment, democracy, differential equations, quantum mechanics, the works of A.S. Byatt and Martin Amis, mechanics of a slicing a tennis swing, internal combustion engines, transferring my iTunes library xml file to another computer.
Some things I'll keep plugging away at to understand (the iTunes issue and the tennis swing issue). Other things I'm content to just not understand for the rest of my life (Martin Amis and differential equations). Marriage and the internal combustion engine just don't seem all that urgent for me to resolve at this point in my life.
Yes, I'm back in Portland where it is raining.
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