Other people's opinions.
I have been reading the NYTIMES online since 1997 or 1998. In Sept or August, they started charging for certain pieces of content using a subscription service called "Times Select"
Most of the subscription-only content is for opinion pieces from their 'influential writers.'
Have I been tempted to subscribe? Not really.
It seems to me that they got it backwards. If they want their writers to stay influential, they should allow their opinion pieces to be read for free. And they should charge me to read the primary news articles that their 'influential' writers are opining about. I religiously read the arts/books section and the home/garden section. And, if I were to pay for content, the NYTIMES should send me a daily subscription to their paper via email so I could read the paper daily without having to be wired (e.g. sitting in an airplane).
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